Create A Positive Home Environment This Holiday Season
The holidays are here and, for some, it can be a stressful time. Whether or not you are expecting visitors, you can implement any one of the strategies below to invite positivity into your home this holiday season.Set Positive Intentions. Hold the intention for good outcomes at festive gatherings. In so doing, you increase your optimism and help create the positive outcomes you seek. "What you seek is seeking you" explains Rumi. Through your optimism you emit vibrations of energy that can be picked up and felt by other people. You infuse your environment with high "feel good" energy!
Light Up Someone's Soul. When was the last time you told a friend or household member how much he or she means to you? One of the best gifts you can give someone is your sincere expression of your love and gratitude. This form of expression can light up someone with joy and ultimately light up your home with warmth and love. Watch video below to see what happens when people unexpectedly pay each other a compliment.

Send Love: Visualize yourself sending love (whatever that looks like and feels like for you) to the people in your home. When you send love to others you connect with them on a spiritual level. The energy of love is very powerful. It is healing and transformative. According to the Law of Love, love eventually perfects all. When we come from a place of love we flow with the divine order of the universe.
Clear Out Negative Energy: If you have never heard of the practice of saging or smudging, it has been around for centuries and is a powerful way to clear your space of stagnant and negative vibrations. Check out this article for 5 easy steps to smudging your home.
Not only are these strategies effective during the holiday season, you can use them all year round.
Happy Holidays!