Here's a simple exercise: over the next 2-3 days make a mental or physical note of the number of times you say you DON'T want something. "I don't want to be late," "I don't want to gain extra pounds" etc. Over time you will notice that the thing you DON'T want is the thing you will most likely get. Why? Because when you focus on what you DON'T want, that is what you will attract into your life. Similarly, when you focus on what you DO want that is what you will attract.
At the 2008 summer Olympics, the USA women's team recalled their disappointment over dropping the baton during the 400-meter relay in 2004. What do you think they focused on for 2008? "DON'T drop the baton!" What do you think, happened during the race? They once again dropped the baton and were disqualified from the preliminaries.
When you focus on "I don't want..." you are focusing on your fears and you may even see the negative outcome in your mind. Instead, come from a place of empowerment, faith, and confidence. Empower yourself to see the end result you desire, truly believe you will achieve those results, and be confident about your outcomes. Change your language to reflect the outcomes you want. Instead of, "I don't want to be late," say, "I will be on time." Your attitudes and behaviors will begin to reflect the outcome you want.
Here is an example of an extraordinary man I met on Twitter...Mr. Paul V. Harris. As a result of an unfortunate accident, Paul was burned over most of his body and yet everyday he continues to inspire others. Watch Paul's short video about getting results through focus > click here
In those moments when I come from empowerment, faith, and confidence and my results were not as expected, I look for the lesson. Sometimes I realize I was being spared from something: heartache, a poor financial investment; or there was some higher opportunity waiting for me. I then apply those lessons to my life and share them with others, so they may learn and grow.
To transform your outcomes, shift your focus and your language from what you don't want to what you DO want. Come from a place of empowerment, faith, and confidence. And, in the words of Henry David Thoreau, "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams."
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