In 1968, King’s I’ve Been to the Mountaintop speech (delivered the day before his assassination), urged citizens to withdraw their support from companies that exercised unfair hiring policies. This was part of his strategy to gain fair wages and proper working conditions for sanitation workers.
But long before his speech of April 3, 1968, King’s reputation as a leader of character was evident in his words, actions, and attitudes. In his fight for freedom and equality, King relied on nonviolent action and dissuaded his followers from using violent tactics.
King embodied indisputable courage working doggedly and tirelessly for the benefit of humanity. He led and influenced others through the conviction of his faith, the strength of his beliefs, the breadth of his knowledge, and the power of his words.
His dynamic I Have a Dream speech of 1963 is perhaps his most famous for its unique eloquence and passion, among other unforgettable elements. But in one of his finest speeches, The Drum Major Instinct, King explains with exquisite clarity, the essence of leadership:
If you want to be important—wonderful. If you want to be recognized—wonderful. If you want to be great—wonderful. But recognize that he who is greatest among you shall be your servant. That’s a new definition of greatness…[read entire speech…]
Among King’s attributes was his unpretentious ability to lead with humility and love, even under the gravest circumstances. “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that,” said King.
In 1964 he received the Nobel Peace Prize for his longstanding activism against racial segregation and racial discrimination through nonviolent means.
Dr. King was indeed a remarkable leader. His legacy continues to inspire and his work and words will forever live in our hearts and minds.
What are some ways in which Dr. King inspires you?
Taken from the Real Leadership Series, a monthly blog written by Christine Ferguson. Click here to visit the RLS site and read more blogs on real leaders.