Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Turn Obstacles into Opportunities: How a Woman and Her Scissors Sparked Million$

"When you reach an obstacle, turn it into an opportunity. You have the choice. You can overcome and be a winner or you can allow it to overcome you and be a loser." -Mary Kay Ash

Twenty-seven-year-old Sara got dressed in her new pair of white pants then decided she did not like the way she looked in them. She wanted to correct the visible lines and the see-through issue she was having.

She shopped for a body shaper to correct the problem, but found nothing suitable. In fact, she was horrified by the shapewear selection on the market. "They were thick—it was like wearing workout clothes,” said Sara. Her $98 pants hung in her closet unworn until she cut the feet off a pair of pantyhose allowing her to wear her pants with a pair of strappy shoes. According to Sara, “I didn’t see lines but the hose rolled up at my feet—and that’s how Spanx was born."
Visit Spanx

Sara Blakely had turned an obstacle into a very profitable opportunity. Today, Spanx is not only a multi-million dollar company, it is a revolution. Their body shapers are worn by countless numbers of celebrities and were endorsed by Oprah Winfrey as one of her Favorite Things. 
Watch Spanx Video

Change the Way You See the Situation
When faced with an obstacle, for some, the natural tendency may be to give up. The key, however, is to see your obstacle as an opportunity. Ask yourself, “How can I turn this obstacle into an opportunity?” “Is this an opportunity for me to learn and grow? Create a new product? Start a new career?” Sara could have returned her pants to the store or left them hanging in her closet indefinitely. Instead, she chose to see her obstacle (not being able to wear her pants) as an opportunity to bring a new product to market.

Persistence Pay$
Even after recognizing an opportunity, you may continue to encounter obstacles on your way to bringing that opportunity to reality. By being persistent and continuing to see opportunities, you will overcome those obstacles. When Sara approached mill owners about her footless pantyhose idea, most of them sent her away. They thought it “made no sense, and would never sell.” She persisted and proved them wrong. Spanx is now celebrating their tenth year in business.
Also read: Believe in Yourself: The Little Engine That Knows it Will

For each obstacle you overcome, you will become stronger, more resilient. You will become more adept at recognizing and seizing opportunities. No longer will obstacles be an excuse for not achieving your goal or dream; they will become opportunities that take you to new avenues of success.

Share your thoughts. How have you turned obstacles into opportunities?

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