Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A Powerful Tip For Your Next Meeting or Interview

You’re about to walk into an important meeting or job interview. You’ve skillfully prepared your presentation. You’ve fine-tuned your resume.

Your goal is to close a contract, get hired for a new job, or receive a promotion. You’re hoping the outcome works in your favor. We’ve all been there.

Here’s a powerful tip for creating a positive outcome:
  1. Be aware of what you are feeling and doing. For example, you may be feeling nervous (even desperate) and you may want to control the situation.
  2. Inhale. Then upon exhale, release those energies.
  3. Focus on the energy of love. Visualize yourself sending love to the people in your meeting.
Why This Approach Works
We are spiritual beings living a human experience. When we send love to others we connect with them on a spiritual level. They pick up and receive the beauty of our energy and may interpret this as ‘having a good feeling’ about you.

The energy of LOVE is very powerful. It is healing and transformative. According to the Law of Love, love eventually perfects all. When we come from a place of love we flow with the divine order of the universe.

Trust The Outcome
When Simon Cowell came to the U.S. to pitch American Idol, he was turned down by everyone except Rupert Murdoch. Simon now realizes that not getting those initial deals was for the best because they would have resulted in bad partnerships.

Whatever the outcome of your meeting, trust that it is for your highest good.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Missing Ingredient From Your Wish List

Have you ever wanted to win an award? Get a promotion? Become a successful businessperson? Be the next BIG thing?

If you answered “Yes,” you’re not alone. When someone expresses these wishes I often encourage him or her to examine the why behind the wish.

Money, a feeling of accomplishment, and a sense of self-worth are typically expressed as reasons for wanting to achieve such goals.

The Missing Ingredient
While there is nothing wrong with the reason each person identifies, sometimes there is an overlooked nugget… a deeper reason that lies within their hearts.

This nugget, when unearthed, is akin to striking gold! What is this nugget? It is the gift of serving something greater than yourself.

Choosing to serve something BIGGER and greater is a missing ingredient from many wish lists. That is to say, when your reason for achieving your wish goes beyond you and your needs, it becomes a magical experience.

Greatness Graces Your Doorway
You are more likely to achieve your wish. You feel more fulfilled, the word “success” takes on new meaning, and greatness graces your doorway.

MLK Said It Best
Martin Luther King, Jr. embodied what it means to serve something greater than oneself. In his Drum Major Instinct sermon, he asserts:

[When I die] tell them not to mention that I have a Nobel Peace Prize—that isn’t important. Tell them not to mention that I have three or four hundred other awards—that’s not important. Tell them not to mention where I went to school. I'd like somebody to mention that day that Martin Luther King, Jr., tried to give his life serving others.

Choose to serve something bigger than yourself and allow greatness to grace your doorway.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

When You Look In The Mirror What Do You See?

Each morning when you get dressed, what do you see when you look in the mirror?

Do you see flaws? Do you pick yourself apart? Do you criticize yourself?

It is not unusual for some of us to look at our reflection and see something we want to tuck, lift, tone, or tighten.

Our focus may then shift from criticism of our physical appearance to self-induced character assassination.

Some look at themselves and see a failure, a loser, or “tired and beat down” as one woman recently described herself.

All of us have endured painful experiences. Those experiences serve us in ways we may not understand. As Pastor Rick Warren, author of Purpose Driven Life explains, “God never wastes a hurt.”

While we can acknowledge our pain and express our emotions as part of the healing process, it is important to understand that our experiences do not define us as failures or losers.
To think of yourself as anything less than magnificent is to deny your inner treasures.

Our words have a powerful effect on our reality. So, when you look in the mirror, make positive affirmations (not self-criticisms) the norm, not the exception.

Here are a few affirmations and words of self-love you can repeat as you look in the mirror.

I am a Divinely created masterpiece.

I live a life of purpose and meaning.

I love you.

I open my arms to receive all the good the Universe has to offer me.

I live from a constant flow of positive abundance.

I am Divinely guided and supported at all times.

You may choose to create your own affirmations. You may also choose to put your affirmations in writing and place them around your home and/or work space as visual anchors.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

This F Word Can Sabotage Your Results

There’s one word I’ve heard people use repeatedly without realizing it's sabotaging the results they want to achieve.

As you may know, there are certain words that are disempowering because of their effect on our subconscious and their powerful effect on our reality.

For example, using the word ‘can’t’ creates the belief – and ultimately a self-fulfilling prophecy – that there’s something you can’t do or can’t achieve.

So, what’s the word I keep hearing? It’s the word ‘fight.’ I hear comments such as, “I’m fighting a cold” “fighting the battle of the bulge” or “fighting poverty.”  

Why Fighting is Ineffective
When you fight something, it tends to fight back. The situation escalates into aggressiveness and can lead to war.

In A New Earth, Eckhart Tolle makes a good case against achieving results using a mindset of war citing the ineffectiveness of the war against crime and drugs.

War is a mind-set, and all action that comes out of such a mind-set will either strengthen the enemy… or create a new enemy.” ~ Eckhart Tolle

A More Effective Approach
Instead of fighting a situation, work with it not against it. Do not think of yourself as fighting a cold. Rather, acknowledge a cold as your body’s way of letting you know you have a virus.

See yourself working in harmony with your body and your choice of treatment to heal and recover.

Fighting poverty? Fuggedaboutit! Acknowledge poverty as a temporary situation that has presented itself for a reason. Sometimes such situations lead us to our purpose and our true self – the authentic self that does not operate from the disease of ego.

In fact, in 1976 Buckminister Fuller foretold that in fifty years humanity will realize there is enough for everyone, everywhere.

Look at situations in your life and consider how you can work with them rather than against them. There is no peace to be found in fighting, so choose harmony. You reap greater, longer lasting results.