Thursday, November 7, 2013

This F Word Can Sabotage Your Results

There’s one word I’ve heard people use repeatedly without realizing it's sabotaging the results they want to achieve.

As you may know, there are certain words that are disempowering because of their effect on our subconscious and their powerful effect on our reality.

For example, using the word ‘can’t’ creates the belief – and ultimately a self-fulfilling prophecy – that there’s something you can’t do or can’t achieve.

So, what’s the word I keep hearing? It’s the word ‘fight.’ I hear comments such as, “I’m fighting a cold” “fighting the battle of the bulge” or “fighting poverty.”  

Why Fighting is Ineffective
When you fight something, it tends to fight back. The situation escalates into aggressiveness and can lead to war.

In A New Earth, Eckhart Tolle makes a good case against achieving results using a mindset of war citing the ineffectiveness of the war against crime and drugs.

War is a mind-set, and all action that comes out of such a mind-set will either strengthen the enemy… or create a new enemy.” ~ Eckhart Tolle

A More Effective Approach
Instead of fighting a situation, work with it not against it. Do not think of yourself as fighting a cold. Rather, acknowledge a cold as your body’s way of letting you know you have a virus.

See yourself working in harmony with your body and your choice of treatment to heal and recover.

Fighting poverty? Fuggedaboutit! Acknowledge poverty as a temporary situation that has presented itself for a reason. Sometimes such situations lead us to our purpose and our true self – the authentic self that does not operate from the disease of ego.

In fact, in 1976 Buckminister Fuller foretold that in fifty years humanity will realize there is enough for everyone, everywhere.

Look at situations in your life and consider how you can work with them rather than against them. There is no peace to be found in fighting, so choose harmony. You reap greater, longer lasting results.

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